December 2010 – May 2011

Conferences, workshops and public meetings to inform about, encourage participation in, and support for, the project.

September-November 2010

Positive response from the French Committee for World Heritage Sites for the inscription of the site on the French Tentative List.

June 2010

Hearing by the French Committee for World Heritage Sites.

January – March 2010

Writing of the first application for a place on the French Tentative list.

Autumn 2009 – Winter 2010

Votes of support from the Auvergne region and the municipality of Clermont-Ferrand.


Agreements of cooperation signed with the PNRVA, the regional government and the universities of Clermont-Ferrand.


Meetings with scientists and World Heritage experts to discuss the Chaîne des Puys project.

January 2008

The puy de Dôme is attributed the status of a GRAND SITE DE FRANCE ®.


First steps by the President of the Local Council towards inscription of the site on the World Heritage List.

The President of the Local Council of the Puy-de-Dôme launches the process for the World Heritage application, with backing from the Auvergne Volcano Regional Park. First contact with the Environment Minister about the project.

September 2000

Listing of the Chaîne des Puys according to the law of 1930 on natural monuments and sites.